Donate bikes and spare parts
We take bikes and parts in any condition. We don’t have staff or other overheads so we can spend as long as it takes to bring a bike back to life. Worn out and damaged parts are used to make craft products – even old inner tubes! Message us and we will let you know when the team are there to take bikes in or email us to arrange a collection in the local area. Please don’t leave bikes unattended as we have had a few thefts recently.

Buy our bikes and crafts
We sell bikes for all ages at affordable prices and have a range of jewellery, clocks and other craft products made with scrap bike parts.
Come to our base during our regular opening hours or come to one of our events.
Look at our ‘Bike List’ page which shows the bikes we have ready to go. Contact us via email if you see something you are interested in.
Other ideas?
Andy’s story
Andy had an old school bike and it had been gathering dust at the back of the garage for a lot of years. With a flush of enthusiasm to get fitter, a restoration project was [...]
John’s story
With kids now teenage and definitely not requiring lots of entertainment from Mum and Dad, fixing up some bikes in the garage in spare time to raise money for Kathryn’s gap year was a bit [...]
Kathryn’s story
Once apon a time there was a little girl who met Toybox Charity at a Christian festival and was inspired by their work with street children in Latin America. She became a local fundraising ambassador [...]